About Us


We're Safwan and Fatima, a couple born in Argentina and raised in Netherlands, now weaving the world together, one handicraft at a time. Our journey started from playing video games but now we marvel at local bazaars and handpick global treasures for your home.

Luckily, we ended up connecting with some of the finest artisans during our trip to South East Asia and decided to make an empire out of it!

Our "Ambachtelijke Schuur" isn’t just a shop; it's our dream barn where every craft tells a story, every purchase supports an artisan, and every delivery brings a slice of the world right to your doorstep – especially if that doorstep is surrounded by the charm of the Netherlands.

Choosing us means you're ready for a home that tells tales from far-flung lands, supported by a newly wed-couple who might just do a victory dance with every order.

Curious about the faces behind the barn? Scroll down to see us in our element (and yes, we're getting better at those headshots).

Tot ziens and happy exploring,

Safwan Azeem and Fatima Athar

Connect with us, we don't bite.

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